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Terms of Use

The information, documents and graphics (the "content") published by Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH ("Desitin", "we", "us") under www.desitinpharma.com (the "website") are used for information purposes only and cannot and should not replace medical advice. They are not intended for self-diagnosis purposes or for preparing treatments without professional medical supervision. The website does not provide medical or other advice or recommendations.

Desitin reserves the right to change the content of these terms of use from time to time and to adapt them to technical and legal developments. Please keep yourself regularly informed regarding any updates to these terms of use.    

The website of Desitin offers users access to copyright-protected material, such as editorial contributions, informational material or presentations of web pages and other forms of protected figurative works. Desitin permits private or self-employed users (e.g. physicians, pharmacists and other institutions such as health insurers, welfare associations, self-help groups) to download and/or print out such content on their end device to the extent of their own legal entitlement. A note on the copyright of Desitin must be included on each private copy of the publication, or parts thereof in the form of an appropriate copyright notice (see section 11). The user is not authorized to carry out further acts of exploitation such as the modification, reproduction, distribution or public display of the website and its content (in whole or in part).

2. Trademark rights and other intellectual property rights

The product names mentioned on the website, regardless of their font size or the presence of a trademark symbol, are trademarks of Desitin, its affiliated companies or contract partners/licensors. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action. The same applies to all other identifiers that are not product names but are also protected, for example the brand and the business name "Desitin". In addition, some pages of the website may contain pictures or product descriptions that are protected in the Federal Republic of Germany and other countries and are owned by Desitin or which may only be used with the consent of third parties and exclusively on the website. These must not be used without our written consent. 

3. Accessibility of website

Desitin endeavors to ensure the continuous availability of the website. It cannot be excluded, however, that the website may be temporarily unavailable without notice for technical reasons or for maintenance purposes. The user shall have no right to make claims regarding the continuous accessibility of the contents of the website. In addition, using the internet is at the user's own risk. Desitin shall not be liable for breakdown of or access to the internet due to technical reasons.

4. Currentness of information on the website

The information available on the website is subject to constant change and is updated at regular intervals. Desitin accepts no responsibility for the correctness, completeness or currentness of the contents posted on the website at the time of their retrieval. In particular, the content published on the website may contain editorial, technical or typographical errors. Desitin reserves the right to make changes to the content or design of the website at any time.

5. Liability

The visit and use of the website is at the user's own responsibility. Any liability of Desitin for slightly negligent breaches of obligations shall be excluded, unless such breaches concern damages from injury to life, body or health or claims under the Product Liability Act are affected. Furthermore, liability for the breach of obligations whose fulfilment is essential for the proper performance of a contract concluded by Desitin and a user and on whose compliance the user may regularly rely ("material contractual obligations") shall remain unaffected. In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, however, the user's claims for damages shall be limited to compensation for foreseeable damages typical of the contract. The same limitations of liability shall apply to breaches of duty by the legal representatives and vicarious agents of Desitin. In particular, within the scope of the above-mentioned limitations, Desitin shall not be liable for unauthorized access to the content of the website by third parties or for manipulation by third parties or for the possible transmission of computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses or other harmful programs. The user is obliged to take his own precautions to protect his computer from such malicious programs, in particular to install anti-virus software and to use the latest anti-virus definitions.

6. Liability for third-party content and links

For content published on the website by users or by third parties ("third party content"), Desitin shall only be liable in accordance with the principles set forth in section 5. Desitin is not obliged to monitor third party content with regard to its completeness, accuracy, timeliness, freedom from third party rights and with regard to its compliance with statutory provisions, other binding rules or with professional ethics, or to check it without cause. Accordingly, Desitin also assumes no warranty or responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, timeliness or legality of third party content.

The website also contains electronic references ("links") to the content of external web pages. Such links are provided solely for informational purposes and as an additional service to users of the website, and do not constitute or imply any recommendation, approval or endorsement by Desitin of the linked content. At the time of linking by Desitin, no illegal content was visible on the linked websites. However, Desitin has no influence on the design or content of the linked websites. Rather, the design and contents of the linked websites are the sole responsibility of their respective operators. Desitin therefore assumes no guarantee or responsibility for the existence, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or legality of the design and content of linked websites. Desitin is therefore not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or for damages caused by the use of linked content.

7. Products distributed worldwide

The website may contain information on products distributed and services offered worldwide, which are not necessarily available in every location. A reference to a product or a service on the Desitin website does not mean that any of such products or services is available at the user's location.    

The information published on the website is based on approval documents that are valid for the Federal Republic of Germany. Users of the website that are not resident in the Federal Republic of Germany have to note, therefore, that individual products listed on the website may not be admitted or may be subject to different legal regulations in their country and that different product information may apply.    

Links to the Desitin website are allowed both to the main page as well as to the sub-pages (so-called "deep links") if:  

(a) the deep-linked Desitin web page contains a link to its own main page, and
(b) the internet address of the deep-linked Desitin web page is clearly identifiable for the user.

Links to elements of this website such as "frames", "includes", "pop-ups" or PDF files are not permitted.     

Desitin web pages or parts thereof may not be integrated into the web pages of third parties using "frames", "includes", "inline links" or similar special techniques. Exceptions to these rules require the prior written approval of Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH.     

Desitin has not verified the third-party web pages that link to this website and is not responsible for the content of such external web pages (see section 6).

9. Addressees of this website

This website and the contents published on it are intended exclusively for addressees within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany

10. Data protection / personal data

The relevant European and German data protection regulations apply (General Data Protection Regulation, Federal Data Protection Act). Information on the processing of personal data when using the website can be found in our privacy notice